IWPT 2017 Web Site | ACL Web Site

15th International Conference on Parsing Technologies

Conference PROGRAM

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

09:30–11:00Depling Long Talk Session
11:30–12:00Report on the CoNLL 2017 Shared Task on "Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies"
12:00–13:00First Shared Task on Extrinsic Parser Evaluation (EPE 2017)
14:30–16:00First Shared Task on Extrinsic Parser Evaluation (EPE 2017)
16:30–18:00Joint Depling & IWPT Panel Discussion

Thursday, September 21, 2017

10:00–11:00Keynote 1
10:00–11:00Syntactic processing in humans: time course, shallow processing and processing failure
Vera Demberg
11:30–13:00Long and short talks
11:30–12:00Automatically Acquired Lexical Knowledge Improves Japanese Joint Morphological and Dependency Analysis
Daisuke Kawahara, Yuta Hayashibe, Hajime Morita and Sadao Kurohashi
12:00–12:20Dependency Language Models for Transition-based Dependency Parsing
Juntao Yu and Bernd Bohnet
12:20–12:40Lexicalized vs. Delexicalized Parsing in Low-Resource Scenarios
Agnieszka Falenska and Özlem Çetinoğlu
12:40–13:00Improving neural tagging with lexical information
Benoît Sagot and Héctor Martínez Alonso
14:30–16:00Long and short talks
14:30–15:00Prepositional Phrase Attachment over Word Embedding Products
Pranava Swaroop Madhyastha, Xavier Carreras and Ariadna Quattoni
15:00–15:20L1-L2 Parallel Dependency Treebank as Learner Corpus
John Lee, Keying Li and Herman Leung
15:20–15:40Splitting Complex English Sentences
John Lee and J. Buddhika K. Pathirage Don
15:40–16:00Hierarchical Word Structure-based Parsing: A Feasibility Study on UD-style Dependency Parsing in Japanese
Takaaki Tanaka, Katsuhiko Hayashi and Masaaki Nagata
16:30–17:30Short talks
16:30–16:50Leveraging Newswire Treebanks for Parsing Conversational Data with Argument Scrambling
Riyaz A. Bhat, Irshad Bhat and Dipti Sharma
16:50–17:10Using hyperlinks to improve multilingual partial parsers
Anders Søgaard
17:10–17:30Correcting prepositional phrase attachments using multimodal corpora
Sebastien Delecraz, Alexis Nasr, Frederic Bechet and Benoit Favre

Friday, September 22, 2017

09:30–10:00IWPT Business Meeting
10:00–11:00Keynote 2
10:00–11:00What good is a grammar anyway?
David Hall
11:30–13:00Long and short talks
11:30–12:00Exploiting Structure in Parsing to 1-Endpoint-Crossing Graphs
Robin Kurtz and Marco Kuhlmann
12:00–12:30Effective Online Reordering with Arc-Eager Transitions
Ryosuke Kohita, Hiroshi Noji and Yuji Matsumoto
12:30–12:50Arc-Hybrid Non-Projective Dependency Parsing with a Static-Dynamic Oracle
Miryam de Lhoneux, Sara Stymne and Joakim Nivre
14:30–16:00Long and short talks
14:30–15:00Encoder-Decoder Shift-Reduce Syntactic Parsing
Jiangming Liu and Yue Zhang
15:00–15:20Arc-Standard Spinal Parsing with Stack-LSTMs
Miguel Ballesteros and Xavier Carreras
15:20–15:40Coarse-To-Fine Parsing for Expressive Grammar Formalisms
Christoph Teichmann, Alexander Koller and Jonas Groschwitz
15:40–16:00Evaluating LSTM models for grammatical function labelling
Bich-Ngoc Do and Ines Rehbein